Friday, November 5, 2010

grace through faith.

It's late & I am not working tomorrow! I'm so excited to have a whole day off.... Not one thing to do. I like it. :) Right now we are watching Oceans, which is a beautiful movie. If you have a chance, do watch.

We had our bible study/small group tonight... We are in the final weeks of Radical by David Platt.
     I've enjoyed our journey through this book so far. It has challenged my beliefs, and challenged me to search out what the Bible says about true disciples & followers of Jesus.  One thing led to another & after most of the people had gone home, a few of us stayed around talking about how to share with lost people, how God uses terrible situations in life for His glory, etc. A friend of mine was struggling with the question of... What if it honors God more for me or you to go to hell if our going to hell means that countless other people get to be in heaven? Does this mean some are just not going to be saved? & this really made me think... I mean, even in the Bible... there's Goliath. Didn't God's heart desire for Goliath to be saved? & yet... God was glorified when Goliath was killed. Same with Pharaoh. It says that God hardened his heart. And with countless other wars and victories. People were defeated and God was glorified through their death. It makes people wonder, you know? Especially if doubting your salvation has been a struggle of yours in the first place. I mean, by the Bible we know that we are saved BY GRACE - THROUGH FAITH, and that was a gift from God... Not by works so that no man can boast. Isn't doubt of salvation maybe in some small way thinking that YOU did something to be saved in the first place? OR that you CAN do something to make sure you are saved? I know that is not the truth. Obviously. I mean, the Bible says so. It also says that ANYONE that calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. If you are out there reading & have any sort of insight, please put in your two cents. :)  Also... There's the whole issue for those that were "saved" at a young age. & obviously as you grow you understand more fully. I can say I had no clue what Salvation was. At least not what I know now. And based on what I know now, it's hard to believe that my salvation was true. I didn't know the complete story. But I know now. So when did my salvation occur? Do we have to have a certain point in time to look back on? Is that Biblical?  I understand now that I am a wretched sinner... completely and utterly hopeless & in need of Jesus Christ. He loved me enough to die for me. To give it all & sacrifice Himself. So that I could take on His righteousness and be a right standing with God. I have chosen to follow this God. I owe Him my life, and that is what I offer Him. All of this... I know now. But even if I know the truth now, can I have a solid faith that has a faulty foundation? I started my faith on the understanding of:  I'm a sinner. Jesus died so that I could be with Him in heaven. That's all I knew at 6 years old. I believe with all that I am that God knows my heart. He knew my heart when I was 6 years old. Why has doubting salvation been such an issue? I lived with it for years. I know Satan longs for us to be isolated. Idle. Ineffective. He is a scheming little guy, isn't he? Bleh. I also know my God is victorious. The enemy has already been defeated. He was defeated when Jesus conquered death. Which gives me hope for this whole question in my soul.

    This topic brings up another thought in my mind and something I've been wondering about. I am terrified about how people are growing up in church, what they are being preached, and mostly what they are understanding and interpreting salvation to be. I'm scared that we as the American church have made salvation into a system or formula of sorts. You got your ABC's... Admit, Believe, Confess. 3 simple steps and you are saved! Bam. Then there's the whole walking down the aisle thing. There's also the bow your head thing.... where you repeat a prayer word for word & then you are now saved. I don't hear about a lot of churches preaching the true gospel anymore. I know I grew up on these man-made principles. They scare me. It scares me to think that people are growing up in this. No one really mentions the taking up your cross daily. The counting on Jesus alone to save you part...  It scares me to imagine what type of Christians we are raising up by what is being preached. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not being preached at all. There are some, praise Him. I just know what it's like to be a screwed up child of a lot of legalism and religion. I grew up to be a pretty good pharisee. Praise God that He has brought me to points of understanding and really just showing me WHO HE IS. I'm thankful for that. He knows what He's doin'! :) This is definitely an issue I will be praying about. I know I want my future children to grow up to know the true Gospel. I want to have children that know and FOLLOW Jesus with their whole heart. It's our duty to speak and preach the true Gospel that is Jesus Christ.

Bottom line is... 
I trust in God alone for my salvation. 
Nothing I can do or say. All Him. There are a lot of things I don't completely understand about salvation, a lot of things I am still working out. & I am willing to wrestle. I am willing to seek my God for answers and peace and understanding.  I trust Him.

I could keep typing and typing and typing...
But I think I've bored you long enough.
Whoever "you" are that reads this. :)

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