Tuesday, February 15, 2011

catching up...

- My church launched a new satellite church yesterday morning!! I am so blessed to be a part of what God is doing there & I'm blessed to see Him working. We had 220 people our FIRST sunday! The place was pretty full! So incredible.

- Last weekend I had an awesome opportunity to lead another Dnow. & it just so happened to be MY church! I had a great group of girls & I believe God started something huge not only in the lives of the students hearts, but in the life of our church as a whole. The weekend was devoted to learning about Jesus as He is today- enthroned in heaven at God's right hand. So good. Sunday morning, all of the students & the rest of the church came together for normal (or as close to normal as possible with around 200/250 students), & at the end of the service the speaker, Richard Ross, said, "If Obama walked in the door of this place right now, we would all stand in respect to honor him, we would stand for our president. But you don't stand for a King. Especially ours. You bow before a King." He invited whoever wanted to, to bow before the Lord.... The amount of people that fell to their knees was incredible, almost everyone in the building was face down. But even more incredible was the Holy Spirit in that place in that moment. There have been a hand-picked amount of times that something like that has happened in the life of our church, but it was crazy. God was just there. & we were bowed before Him. Such a sweet, sweet time. When the service was over, no one moved. We all just sat there in silence, not wanting to leave. :) We have an incredible Savior, a wonderful King.

- I am planning an event on the 25th called Music for the Mission. It's a fundraiser show. I'm getting all of my favorite musician friends together for the night & we are going to play some good music & charge $5 to get "in the door"... even though it's going to be outside. I'm SO excited about this show!! Already praying that God brings people that need to hear about Him. Praying that even this could be a night of Salvation. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by people that are so willing & eager to help me out & devote their time, energy, & money to what I'm doing.  I pray every day that I will be faithful to carry out the Gospel to all nations so that all of their support is not wasted or put to it's full potential. I am blessed beyond measure or explanation.

- In other news, today is LOVE DAY. I worked this morning. Olive Garden wasn't HALF as busy & chaotic as we were all expecting for lunch. I'm sure dinner was insane, but thankful I didn't have to work in all that madness. My friend Radar had flowers delivered to every girl at work. It was awesome.  Today was just a different type of day.  My friend Cait had a singles V-day party at her house tonight... it was. so. much. fun! We had a blast.

I love you all, whoever you are.
Hope you've had a wonderful Monday.

xo xo xo xo xo

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