Thursday, December 29, 2011

montana bound.

wow, this day came fast!
almost too fast. but i'm excited.

i'm sitting in an airport in new mexico en route to Montana. i'm ready to see that place & those faces.
i think i'm equally sad & excited. it's very bittersweet. leaving home would probably be a lot easier if i wasn't really happy there. i love home. i love texas. i love my family & dear friends. 
but as sad as i am, i also know this is right. i've reminded myself of that a thousand times today, because it's pretty impossible that i am able to go, but God worked it out. not only money-wise, but a hundred other things, too. this is right. this is where i'm supposed to be. & i am blessed to be able to be a part of what God is doing in Montana & around the world. very blessed.

thank you for reading, for loving, for supporting, for praying, and for being my friend.

love you all.

"For the LORD God is our sun and our shield.
He gives us grace and glory.
The LORD will withhold no good thing
from those who do what is right."
psalm 84.11

Sunday, December 25, 2011

so thankful for the birth of Jesus. that little baby who was born a Savior of the world.
immanuel-- [finally] god with us. flesh. blood. breath.
through his birth, life, death & resurrection, i have been crucified with Christ & reborn in Christ.
jesus came & fulfilled the law because we couldn't.
no matter how hard we tried. it was never our work he wanted, but our hearts.
we needed him. we still do.
so reminded of the beauty of the Gospel & how much greater it is than we realize.
grace is greater than we realize. jesus is better than we realize.

through this baby boy, i have been adopted as  a child of the living God.
there really is no greater pleasure for me in this life right now...
to know Who i belong to.
to know that he gave me a name. a meaning. an identity.
to know my name is on written on the palm of his hand: beloved.
it's too good.

we have a loving God.
he's crazy for our affection, crazy in his love for us, & crazy in his glory.

merry christmas, lovelies.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Music for the Mission

yesterday was one of the busiest days i've had in a long time... it was awesome.
i was running around all over town trying to get everything done 
for my fundraiser show that was last night. 
there were just a lot of random things that needed to happen.
i was driving around town & i asked myself,
"why am i doing this? why are we doing this?"
not in a bad way, like it was irritating me or anything, i was just thinking about it...

& then god spoke to me.
he put the great commission on my heart which talks about going and making disciples of all nations.
it was so awesome, because that's what last night was ultimately about at Music for the Mission.

it's cool because there are so many countries represented by the students that live at ywam montana.
& i get to be a small part of discipling students over there. 
that alone is a tiny part of making disciples of nations.
and not only that, but we get to go to other countries and make disciples there, too. 
we get to share the best news of all time with people that don't know Him.

that's what last night was about.
i am blessed and humbled that i get to see God working to bring people to Himself.
and everyone that came last night & gave $5 (or more) to come listen to some music,
all of them were a small part of fulfilling the great commission.
that's awesome... & makes my heart happy.

i am blessed by these friends of mine.
god's been good to me.

"Therefore, go & make disciples of all nations, 
baptizing them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, 
& teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. 
& surely i am with you, even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20

Friday, December 2, 2011

things that cost $25: number 4

pocket change for a month = $25.

guess what?? that means less than a dollar a day!
you can take all of that random change you accumulate every day,
save it up, & use it to support a missionary. voila! $25 a month!

It's down to   27 days
until I head to Montana to start staffing Discipleship Training Schools for Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for 2 years. 
This is a full-time volunteer position so I'm raising support to be able to go...

I need 14 more people that are willing to become one of my supporters by committing to give $25 a month to my mission & to pray for me. Just pray about it, & if you feel like God is leading you to do so, let me know. I can hook you up with the info or you can give online HERE. I promise, you will never know how much I appreciate it. 

I love the Gospel, & I am so excited to be a part of seeing student's lives changed through it & to see people come to know him all over the world as we go out to share the good news of Jesus!

I also want to say THANKS to those of you who have already given toward my ministry! 
I'm so grateful for your generosity & I am blessed your support.
