Tuesday, March 1, 2011


i feel like i'm caught in this really awesome whirlwind right now & i can't catch up to write about it, but it's still great! i am learning so much. i'll try to catch you up just a little bit.

so a couple of weeks ago, i was getting really discouraged with this whole ywam stuff... the money just wasn't coming & it just seemed like i was trying my hardest to prepare & it just wasn't happening. my parent's had even asked me what my plans would be if i didn't raise the money & had to stay here... it was extremely frustrating, considering the fact that i know God has placed this whole thing before me & gone before me the whole way. even in my frustration i started preparing myself that ywam wasn't going to happen in april. 
that was 2 weeks ago. 
i remember sitting in my car, crying to my sister, just telling her that i was trying my best to be obedient to the Lord, but it was just so difficult
it wasn't fun. it was a war. & it was hard. 
but can i tell you, that day, i committed to stick it out in spite of difficulty. 
something i've learned is that when following jesus, 
there will be times where it isn't easy. 
sometimes when you follow jesus, you go through hard times because of it. 
sometimes where god leads you is just plain HARD. 
sometimes following jesus involves tears & questions & times of not understanding what's going on. 
but just because things get hard, it doesn't mean that it isn't right. it doesn't mean that you did the wrong thing. sometimes you are right in the center of his will. this is a lesson i've learned recently. learning to follow him even when it isn't easy. 
it's called f a i t h .  it's called trusting Him. 
    it just so happened, around that time i was reading through the story of David & in 1 samuel. God had already anointed David to be future king. he was god's chosen one. & in chapter 22, David is in a cave & on the run to save his life. 
i can't imagine this. he knew god had chosen him, but i bet he never imagined he'd be all alone in a cave because of it. 
BUT, just because he was in this really rough place, it didn't mean that god hadn't called David or had abandoned him. he was doing the right thing, it's just that god had lead him to a difficult experience. this is exactly what i was learning...
   so the day after the whole crying-in-the-car incident, & a full weekend of some really intense prayers, conversations & time with the lord, just begging for him to work a miracle... the day after all of this, i got a text saying someone had just donated a huge chunk of my funds. i was so stunned & amazed & thankful that i went & immediately counted everything up & it turned out to be almost half of my tuition. crazy stuff! god is insane, & i truly believe he multiplies his provision sometimes. :) the day after that, i got my tax return. & a ton of other random things. 
god is absolutely real! 
i am such a small minded human being. 
so thankful that His power is made perfect in my weakness.

so thankful that i have nothing of my own to boast about. absolutely nothing. it's all what He has done. i've just had to trust him in faith- & i know that He gave me the faith i do have. even that i cannot claim on my own. 

He is faithful. to every promise. He has never failed me.
i am so enjoying this journey with Him.

praise be to God.

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