Friday, May 6, 2011


hey yall!

so tomorrow we leave for Seattle! we will be gone for a week- mini outreach! this also marks the halfway point in the lecture phase of this dts. which means India is getting closer and closer! in seattle, we will be hanging out with homeless people, working at soup kitchens & stuff like that, and i know we'll be hanging out at an international mall trying to get to know some people from all different places that hang out there. i'm also really excited to see the city! i hear Seattle is beautiful, sounds like my kind of place. :)

this week was about the Father Heart of God. um, wow! MIND: BLOWN. aghh! i learned so much. GOD is doing so much in me. the main thing i came away with is that just like a dad has these things about his kids that he loves, like a dad will say, "oh, i just love it when you get that certain look on your face," or " i love it when you sing to me- you have a beautiful voice." or "i think you are super funny!" or "you are beautiful just the way you are." stuff like that... God has those thoughts for me. it's incredible. He doesn't just love me because i'm a human & He created me, therefore HAS to love me. He likes me. He thinks i'm cool & worth knowing. :) the other day i was feeling ugly & i just decided to pray about it. i told God that i wanted to know what He thought & opened up my bible right up to Song of Solomon 2 (which has been like my theme verse in coming to ywam & the vision of what i thought God had for me during this time), and it says, "Arise! My darling, my beautiful one! Come away with me...." God is lovely, isn't He? He's pursuing my heart & I'm totally falling for Him. :) He's definitely calling me to something deeper. He's calling me further still into a deep love. deeper than i think i can handle right now... i'm learning that i'm far too practical & logical about love. He is showing me that it's okay to get swept up in love if it's with Him.  He is a safe place for me. not a manipulator. dependable. satisfying. He genuinely cares for me. & love causes people to do crazy, off the wall things. i want to be that crazy in love with Him, that it would compel me to cross the seas, that i would want to sit in His presence for hours, that i wouldn't be able to get enough of Him, always left craving more & wanting to know more about Him, that i'd dance before Him or just won't shut up about Him... may His love be like a fire shut up in my bones... i want to know more of this LOVE.

this morning, our speaker and his buddy prayed over all of us. throughout the week, God had given them a word for each of us 23 students. super cool. anyway, they shared them this morning! i was the first one they asked to stand, and they said that they felt that i was inspiring, that by my life, i was going to inspire people & that i was a leader- that god had given me this ability to connect with any man or woman just off the street & it's not something i have to realize, it's just a part of who i am. & that i am very evangelistic. those were just a couple of things they said, and i was just extremely encouraged! i've had a lot of different people asking what's next after DTS, & i still have no idea. i was just telling my friend last night that yes, i play music, i like music & it's something i do & want to use for the Lord, but that i really just have a heart for evangelism. & God continues to confirm this calling in my life! He's so good & so clear sometimes! it's crazy. i don't know how that will work out in the future, but i'm excited. I know He will work it out.

prayer needs:
- pray for seattle: divine opportunities, relationships formed with the people we meet, that the gospel will be preached, that people will see jesus clearly through our service & attitudes, that our expectations will be blown out of the water, spirit led, safe travel.
- i'm not sure how i am going to meet my financial needs here, so you could pray for that. :) just paid a significant amount of money for visas for india & i can think of a couple more expenses coming up.
- india & dominican republic. that god will begin to prepare the way for our teams to come, prepare relationships for us there, holy spirit would begin working in their hearts & our hearts to be used, boldness for us as students (& leaders).
- that i would continue to learn from the lord as i am here & that he would give me direction/passion/vision.

thank you all so much. i appreciate you & miss you all like crazy! i'd love to hear from you. let me know if you'd like my address. my email address is if you ever need me or have questions, or just feel like saying hey. :)

love yall.
hope you are doing well!

xo xo xo


 DODGEBALL. me. yoonie. florentine.
 been playing lots of bball... knock out came down to us Texans! (i lost.)

 my DTS:

1 comment:

  1. revelation is the coolest.
    I know I've sent you emails & texts & all...
    but I'm praying for you this week.
