3 movie tickets = $25.

instead of spending $25 to go to a movie in the theater,
you & your friends can rent a movie for $1 at Redbox, pop some corn from the cabinet
& support a missionary kid with the money you would have spent at the theater.
This is full-time volunteer position, so I have to raise my own funds...
I will need a minimum of $500 a month, which covers food, housing, extra expenses, etc.
I will not be able to support myself, so I'm asking people to pray & ask God if He might have you become one of my monthly supporters.
If I can get 18 more people/families to give $25 a month,
I will be fully supported!
For me, this is all about others coming to know Jesus. while in Montana, I'll be discipling students who come for 5 month discipleship training schools, and leading groups of these students to other countries to tell people about Jesus. I know God did a lot in my heart as I went through this school and to India with YWAM, I believe he wants to do amazing things in the hearts of the students and in other nations and i am thrilled to be a part of it.
If you feel led to support me financially, you can go to paulann.org/give or contact me for more information. All donations are tax deductible.
Just leave a comment or email me at justdandyy@gmail.com
I love you guys! thanks for reading.
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